Crypto-Currency Price Prediction Using Deep Learning


Supriya Thombre
Aarti Devikar
Vaishnav Gangamwar
Pratik Majrikar
Tanmay Patil


After the price swings of crypto-currencies in past years, it has been considered as an asset. As crypto-currency is unpredictable, there arises the requirement of crypto-currency price prediction with greater level of accuracy. For this many researchers uses variety of ML and DL algorithms and are applying them to build a model which will predict crypto-currency price with improved accuracy. To build successful investment plan, accurate prediction is needed. The proposed method uses combination of LSTM and GRU for the bitcoin price prediction in order to find the closing price of bitcoin


Author Biography

Supriya Thombre

Prof Supriya Thombre is Assistant Professor at Computer Technology Department and Assistant Dean Student’s Club at Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering Nagpur.
Prof. Thombre pursued her master’s degree from G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering Nagpur in Computer Science and Engineering, and bachelor’s degree from Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering Nagpur in Information Technology. She is the member of ACM student chapter and IE.

How to Cite
Thombre, S., Devikar, A., Gangamwar, V., Majrikar, . P., & Patil, T. (2023). Crypto-Currency Price Prediction Using Deep Learning. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 14(1).


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