An Application of MDL Principle for Indian Resource Poor Language


Miral Patel
Apurva Shah


Stemmer is very important and required module for any morphological system. Stemming process is language dependent, which separates stem and suffix from a given word. Even after notable growth, specifically work at morphological level for Indian resource poor languages like Sanskrit, Assamese, Bengali, Bishnupriya, Manipuri, Bodo etc. are less attended. Standard resources (corpus, data set) for experiment are very scarce for such languages. Many famous unsupervised approaches are tested for European languages only. It is the requirement to see how well famous approach works for other inflective and resource poor languages. In this study, Minimum Description Length principle (MDL) is applied to Sanskrit (resource poor and inflective) language. Initially, all corpus lexicon are split in to substring, which is followed by calculating frequency and length of each sub string. A higher probability split is considered as best split for stem and suffix. Next, multiple iteration is taken until result improved. With 72 % result MDL works well for Indian language. MDL principle is extended to improve performance of Sanskrit stemmer by adding rule based approach. MDL based hybrid approach improves result by 17 %. As no direct Sanskrit stemmer or evaluation is available to compare, therefore, we compare our work with Lovin, Porter and Paice stemmers. Word stemmed factor is highest compared which to all three stemmer. Our results are also comparable to Gujarati and Punjabi language stemmer. Stemmer strength is more as it reduces under stemming errors.


How to Cite
Patel, M., & Shah, A. . (2017). An Application of MDL Principle for Indian Resource Poor Language. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 8(3), 186–197.


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