City Disaster Susceptibility Comparisons using Weighted Bipartite Graphs


Wubai Zhou
Chao Shen
Tao Li
Shu-Ching Chen
Ning Xie
Jinpeng Wei


Metropolises offer ample employment opportunities, convenient facilities and a wide array of entertainment options. However large cities are also more vulnerable to natural disasters, which have caused widespread destructions, claimed thousands of lives and left havoc for the survivors. Knowing which city is less susceptible to natural disasters is thus one of the most critical questions one faces when making decisions on travelling or job and business relocation. In this work, we propose a bipartite-graph based framework to compare the impacts of disasters on two cities by answering different queries using textual documents collected online. Besides intuitive simple comparisons using statistics, our system also generates textual comparative summaries to better describe the differences between the two cities in term of safety. Although a number of online services provide disaster events statistic information for cities, our framework compares the impacts of disasters on cities in a more straightforward and comprehensive way.


How to Cite
Wubai Zhou, Chao Shen, Tao Li, Shu-Ching Chen, Ning Xie, & Jinpeng Wei. (2018). City Disaster Susceptibility Comparisons using Weighted Bipartite Graphs. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 9(1), 01–11.


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