Efficient load aware scheduler for map reduce applications in cloud environment


Sree Lakshmi Adepu
BalRaju M
Subhash Chandra N


Most of the current day applications are compute and data intensive which laid a platform for invention of technologies like Hadoop. Hadoop uses a Map Reduce paradigm to solve the problem by using parallelism. Cloud computing environments have provided more flexibility in using Hadoop to solve Big Data problems without any investment on infrastructure procurement and maintenance and take the advantage of parallelism with required scalability. The current schedulers of Map Reduce tasks can be improved for virtual environments to reduce the cost of the services used in the cloud. This work proposes an efficient scheduler for Map reduce applications in cloud environment.


How to Cite
Sree Lakshmi Adepu, BalRaju M, & Subhash Chandra N. (2018). Efficient load aware scheduler for map reduce applications in cloud environment. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 9(2), 151–161. https://doi.org/10.47164/ijngc.v9i2.144


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