Group Activity Recognition Using Deep Autoencoder with Temporal Context Descriptor


Safvan Vahora
N. C. Chauhan


In this paper, we propose a novel method for group activity recognition in the video sequence. The problem of recognizing group activity requires information about individual person action, interaction potential, social cues bonding relationship of the people in the context region and analysis of this context region over a time period. We propose a deep architecture model, stacked deep autoencoder to provide a high-level representation of a group activity context descriptor, build at the top of local level human action pose feature. These local and global level representations of the group activity analyzed over a time period to build robust temporal group activity context descriptor. Our experimental results show the efficiency of the proposed approach over a benchmark collective activity dataset.


How to Cite
Safvan Vahora, & N. C. Chauhan. (2018). Group Activity Recognition Using Deep Autoencoder with Temporal Context Descriptor. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 9(3), 221–232.


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