Classification, Challenges and Critical Comparison of Proposed Solutions for Vehicular Clouds


Hassan Mistareehi
D. Manivannan


Modern vehicles are equipped with devices that have computation, storage, communication and sensing capabilities. Vehicles can share the information collected with other vehicles and also can share this information with an external cloud. Vehicles can also form a cloud among themselves and use their underutilized resources to process and share the information collected by various vehicles. In this paper, we present a critical comparison and classification of vehicular cloud architectures proposed in the literature. We also explore the challenges, proposed solutions for meeting the challenges and their drawbacks in implementing vehicular cloud and identify some open issues that need to be addressed for the successful implementation of vehicular clouds.


How to Cite
Hassan Mistareehi, & D. Manivannan. (2019). Classification, Challenges and Critical Comparison of Proposed Solutions for Vehicular Clouds. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 10(1), 01–18.


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