Study and Evaluation of Test of Times Brooks-Iyengar Algorithm
The current fault tolerant computing systems and various computer systems still rely on the outstanding technique of resilient sensor Brook-Iyengars (BI) algorithm and this was invented and published in 1996 with IEEE computing systems. The novel idea proposed of the algorithm institutes groundwork standards in various domains like RealTime Operating Systems (RTOS), Fault Tolerant Schemes (FTS) and various application computing systems. The crucial contribution of the algorithm is majorly found in enhancing the features of MINIX real-time operating system, and hybrid architecture and scalability of the algorithm is proficient enough to encounter the unreliable distributed sensors data using the Byzantine [1] agreement and distributed decision-making process methods. In this paper, we study and reveal the contribution and influences of BI in MINIX real-time operating systems and their recent enhancement with fault tolerant schemes with a case study.

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How to Cite
Latesh Kumar K.J, & Leena H U. (2019). Study and Evaluation of Test of Times Brooks-Iyengar Algorithm. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 10(3), 152–162.
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