Evaluation and qualification of mobile application quality


Mikael Desertot
Rudy Bisiaux
Sylvain Lecomte
Dorian Petit


Development of mobile applications has previously encountered, and still encounters, challenges related to the specificity of the mobile world. The usual rules of software engineering tend not to respond to certain mobile development issues. In this paper, we identify and address the challenges of mobile development. We propose a quality model and analysis adapted from ISO9126. Based on this model, we have developed a tool to analyze an applications source code and measure the achievement of quality criteria. We describe all the notions of quality and the check points in the mobile applications source code. This work was carried out in partnership with a mobile application development company, Keyneosoft, to test our tool on real-world applications. We also discuss the results obtained and feedback from Keyneosoft developers on our tool.


How to Cite
Mikael Desertot, Rudy Bisiaux, Sylvain Lecomte, & Dorian Petit. (2020). Evaluation and qualification of mobile application quality. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 11(1), 20–35. https://doi.org/10.47164/ijngc.v11i1.170


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