Dynamic XML View Creation And Update Propogation Using Relational Database
eXtensible Mark Language(XML) has already become the industry standard for exchange and representation of data. The ability of XML to provide semantics to the data it holds finds its purpose in many applications over diverse industries from petroleum to biology. While most of the existing data is stored and maintained in traditional databases there is a need for transformation of data from the database to represent them as XML views. The issues which are important are (a) how to convert data from a flat relational database into hierarchical and semi-structured XML data and vice-versa (b) how to reflect updates on the XML view in the databases and vice-versa. Hence, the problem of creating XML views from the Relational model and updating relational databases through XML views has become a primal issue and the center of attention for the research community. The aim of this paper is complete automation to create XML views of the relational database using the XML schema and the Database schema as input. A one to one mapping is defined between the data in the database and the XML; the relation between data is maintained. The paper provides a novel approach for updating the relational database based on the changes in the XML document with the help of XML change detection tools. The changes in XML provided by the change detection tool are converted into SQL queries to update the database.
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How to Cite
Sanjay K. Madria, & Janarthanan Eindhal. (2010). Dynamic XML View Creation And Update Propogation Using Relational Database. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 1(2), 168–192. https://doi.org/10.47164/ijngc.v1i2.18
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