Fuzzy Logic Based Detection of SLA Violation in Cloud Computing - A Predictive Approach


Prabhat Kumar Upadhyay
Archana Pandita
Nisheeth Joshi


Scheduling of a large number of submitted tasks is a central operation in cloud computing. Efficient scheduling and resource allocation for the submitted tasks ensures that Service-Level-Agreements (SLA) violations are minimized. We present a fuzzy logic-based approach for predicting submitted tasks which are likely to encounter SLA violations. It may help Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) to design corrective interventions in terms of additional resource allocation to prevent SLA violations. The proposed mechanism assists in reducing SLA violations and improves the end-user quality-of-service experience along with enhancement of CSP revenues. The appropriate selection of performance metrics has enabled the proposed model to achieve the highest classification accuracy of 92.6 percent in predicting SLA violation.


How to Cite
Prabhat Kumar Upadhyay, Archana Pandita, & Nisheeth Joshi. (2020). Fuzzy Logic Based Detection of SLA Violation in Cloud Computing - A Predictive Approach. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 11(3), 250–262. https://doi.org/10.47164/ijngc.v11i3.182


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