Deep Neural Network Based Multi-Review Summarization System


Supriya Sharma
Jagroop Kaur
Gurpreet Josan


E-commerce is prevalent everywhere now-a-days. While shopping from these sites, users generally go through the reviews of the product posted by other users. For a given product, thousands of reviews may be available and it is cumbersome for the user to analyze each and every review. This paper proposes a multi-review summarization method to get a summarized review of products. A deep neural network-based model is employed to create an extractive summary of the reviews collected from online e-commerce sites i.e. Amazon and Flipkart. The deep neural network has been used to obtain the features of the product from multi reviews and cluster the sentences based on learned features. After clustering, a ranking of sentences is done and hence, an extractive summary is generated by selecting top n sentences from each of the clusters formed.


How to Cite
Sharma, S., Kaur, J., & Josan, G. (2021). Deep Neural Network Based Multi-Review Summarization System. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 12(3), 356–365.


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