Abstract –Today Security issue is the topmost problem in the cloud computing environment. It leads to serious discomfort to the Governance and end-users. Numerous security solutions and policies are available however practically ineffective in use. Most of the security solutions are centered towards cloud technology and cloud service providers only and no consideration has been given to the Network, accessing, and device securities at the end-user level. The discomfort at the end-user level was left untreated. The security of the various public, private networks, variety of devices used by end-users, accessibility, and capacity of end-users is left untreated. This leads towards the strong need for the possible modification of the security architecture for data security at all levels and secured service delivery. This leads towards the strong need for the possible adaption of modified security measures and provisions, which shall provide secured hosting and service delivery at all levels and reduce the security gap between the cloud service providers and end-users. This paper investigates the study and analyze the security architecture in the Cloud environment of Govt. of India and suggest the modifications in the security architecture as per the changing scenario and to fulfill the future needs for the secured service delivery from central up to the end-user level.

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Choudhari, N., & Sasankar, D. A. (2021). SECURITY IN CLOUD COMPUTING IN INDIAN GOVERNMENT. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 12(3), 399–423.
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