Competition, Cooperation, and Optimization in Multi-Hop CSMA Networks with Correlated Traffic


Zhefu Shi
Cory Beard
Ken Mitchell


The purpose of this paper is to present a new method for the study of the competition and co- operation relationships among nodes in a network us- ing a CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access) proto- col implemented with an exponential backoff process. Self-organized behavior is proposed. Standard topolo- gies, such as tandem, traffic splitting and merging, are studied with variables: 1) backoff rate, 2) topology po- sition, 3) traffic splitting. Several interesting phenom- ena are reported. We propose a "Channel Utilization Model" with a new derived variable "channel access rate" which can be used for all traffic loads. These mod- els are applied with different optimization methods. Special strategies, for example "MAC Friendliness", are also presented for serving special traffic like emergency traffic.


How to Cite
Shi, Z. ., Beard, C., & Mitchell, K. . (2012). Competition, Cooperation, and Optimization in Multi-Hop CSMA Networks with Correlated Traffic. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 3(3), 228–246.


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