Unification of Programming Languages, A Step Towards Visual Programming
Almost every modern high-level programming language includes primitives and user-defined data types, constructs for iterations, selections, functions, structures, and class definitions, handling exceptions, etc. Such a construct provides similar functionality across multiple languages but may slightly differ syntactically. Similarly, libraries are also available in every language, providing similar functionalities but with different names. For programmers, it is hard to learn the syntax and remember the names of library functions of each of the existing programming languages. Hence, in large, a programmer has expertise in a small subset of programming languages. In this research, we are proposing a Unified Programming Language (UPL) whose syntax is inspired by the programming languages commonly used nowadays. The proposed UPL may have its compiler or may accompany a transpiler to translate UPL code to any of the existing high-level programming languages like C/C++, Java, Python, etc. It will make the life of programmers easier as they have to learn and adopt only a single programming language. The UPL may become the baseline of development of some Visual Programming Languages (VPL). Unification may lead to some consequences, which need to be identified and addressed.

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How to Cite
Ahmad, A., Idrees, M., & Butt, M. A. (2021). Unification of Programming Languages, A Step Towards Visual Programming. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 12(4). Retrieved from http://ijngc.perpetualinnovation.net/index.php/ijngc/article/view/388
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