Bank Nifty Index Trend Prediction using Historical Data, Wave Analysis, Market Sentiment, and Fibonacci Retracement for Dynamic Decision Making
Bank Nifty Index trend prediction is an important topic in finance, Banking Sector, and economics. Be a trader,
investor, or researcher interested in developing a better prediction model over the year. This paper presents the
process of building Bank Nifty Index Trend Prediction using Wave Analysis, Market Sentiment, and Fibonacci
Retracements for Dynamic Decision making. Published Stock data is obtained from The National Stock Exchange
of India Limited (NSE) are used. Result obtained revealed that this model has a strong potential for short term
BANK NIFTY INDEX Trend Prediction and compete the similar model by taking the advantage called Fibonacci
Retracement and Market Sentiment.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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