Automated Sign to Speech Conversion Model using Deep Learning
Unable to communicate verbally is a disability. In order to exchange thoughts and interact, there exist several
ways. The most predominant method involves use of hand-gestures. The prime motive of the proposed research
work is to bridge the research gap in Sign Language Recognition with maximum efficiency. The goal is to replace
the human mediator with a machine to minimize human interference. This paper focuses on the recognition of ASL
in real-time. In automatic sign language translator design the challenging part lies in selecting a good classifier
to classify the static input gestures with high accuracy. CNN architecture is used to design a classifier for sign
language recognition in the proposed system. The model and the pipeline architecture is developed by keras based
convolutional neural network to classify 27 alphabets that is 26 English language alphabets and a unique character,
space. With different parameter configurations, the system has trained the classifier with different parameters and
tabulated the results. The proposed study achieved an efficiency of 99.88% on the test set. The result shows that
the model accuracy improves as more data is fetched from various subjects for training.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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