


Medical professionals need new technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to combat COVID-19.  A major aspect of this study is to examine how IoT-based remote monitoring technology can be used to record the medical history of patients, trace, monitor, analyze, and prevent COVID-19 and other health outbreaks. We have designed an IoT based patient's health record (PHR) that includes actual and prospective information about the patient, including their contacts with healthcare providers, medications, and a history of operations and hospitalizations. By making medical records available to patients, they can become more involved in their own health care, and this will help reduce direct contact with health care providers. The risk of a virus or infection spreading among medical health care providers and patients can be minimized through reduced contact. The system stores patient's personal information and medical records. Information regarding the next appointment, medicine intake, and prescriptions is sent to the patients on their email address. Additionally, we have built an Ambulance Kit using Arduino Nano, which is intended for use during medical emergencies.


How to Cite
LADDHA, S. (2021). A WORLDWIDE APPLICATION TO CONTROL COVID-19 BY REMOTE MANAGEMENT OF PATIENT RECORDS ACCESSED BY AN INTERNET OF THINGS. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 12(5). https://doi.org/10.47164/ijngc.v12i5.438


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