Discovering Minimum Exposed Path to Attack in Mobile Ad hoc Networks in optimal O(|P|) time after pre-processingLatex and Image File
Several protocols have been proposed to handle attacks on routing protocols in Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). However, no single protocol handles all the attacks. Then a related problem would be to establish routes which are at maximum distance from nodes in danger of attack. We say that such paths are exposed minimally to theattack. In this paper, we present an algorithm to nd Minimum Exposed Path to Attack (MEPA) in optimal O(|P|) time where |P| is the length of MEPA route. The algorithm works in two phases: the preprocessing phase, and the route establishment phase. In the preprocessing phase minimum distances from endangered nodes are computed for all nodes in the network. Once the initial distances are computed, MEPA routes are discovered in the route establishment phase. Whenever a route with greater distance from the endangered node is found, the previous route is discarded and the new one is kept. In the absence of mobility the algorithm converges in (O|P|) time after a preprocessing step. The preprocessing step takes O(D) time where D is the diameter of the network. When a node moves, maintenance phase takes O(D) time to recompute the distances and then the algorithm takes (O|P|) time to recompute the MEPA route. Assuming that the packets are received from the shortest path first, the algorithm computes the shortest MEPA route. We simulated our protocol in Network Simulator(NS2). The performance of our protocol is comparable with Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector routing algorithm (AODV ) in the absence of endangered nodes and better than many existing ones in presence of blackhole /wormhole/ both the attacks. It was also observed that in absence of mobility the algorithm converges in optimal O(|P|) time.
How to Cite
Neelima Gupta, & Sandhya Aneja. (2013). Discovering Minimum Exposed Path to Attack in Mobile Ad hoc Networks in optimal O(|P|) time after pre-processingLatex and Image File. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 4(1), 45–61.
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