Extendible Multidimensional Array Based Storage Scheme for Efficient Management of High Dimensional Data
Multidimensional arrays are good storage for managing large amount of data especially scientific and engineering applications. The Traditional Multidimensional Array (TMA) is also efficient in accessing the array elements by computing the addressing function. Thats why array based files are widely used. But TMA is not dynamically extendible during run time i.e the length of dimension and number of dimension is fixed for a TMA. We describe an extendible array file that is dynamically extendible during run time. If the length of dimension and number of dimension of a multidimensional array is large then the address space required for the array over ows quickly. The proposed array scheme handles the address space problem efficiently. The main idea of this scheme is to represent n dimensional array by a set of two dimensional extendible arrays. We evaluate our proposed scheme both analytically and experimentally for different array operations. Our experimental result shows that the proposed scheme outperforms the existing methods.
How to Cite
Sk. Md. Masudul Ahsan, & K M Azharul Hasan. (2013). Extendible Multidimensional Array Based Storage Scheme for Efficient Management of High Dimensional Data. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 4(1), 88–105. https://doi.org/10.47164/ijngc.v4i1.45
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