Requirements Statements Content Goodness and Complexity Measurement
In software development projects where written requirements are produced, a requirements document summarizes the results of the requirements analysis and becomes the basis for subsequent software development. In many cases, the quality of the requirements documents dictates the success of the software development. The need for determining the quality of requirements documents is particularly acute when the target applications are large, complicated, and mission critical. The goal of this research is to develop quality indicators to indicate the quality of requirements statements in a requirements document. To achieve the goal, the goodness properties of the requirements statements are adopted to represent the quality of requirements statements. A suite of complexity metrics of requirements statements is proposed as the quality indicators and is developed based upon research of noun phrase (NP) chunks. A two phased empirical case study is performed to evaluate the usage of the proposed metrics. By focusing upon the complexity metrics based on NP chunks, the research aided in development of complexity indicators of low quality requirements statements of requirements documents.
How to Cite
Chao Y. Din, & David Rine. (2013). Requirements Statements Content Goodness and Complexity Measurement. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 4(1), 62–87.
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