Enterprise Application Integration Based on Interactive Agent in Cloud Computing Environment


Djamel Benmerzoug


Enterprise application integration (EAI) through integrated Cloud services is necessary to achieve agility in the current age of competition. The main challenge raised by EAI is in the number of autonomic entities involved and the complexity of the interactions within them. That is, the complexity that matters is not so much in the size of the code through which such entities are programmed but on the number, intricacy and dynamicity of the interactions in which they will be involved. This is why it is so important to put the notion of interaction at the center of research in EAI. Multiagent systems (MAS) provide a promising paradigm for EAI development. In this paper, we propose an agent-based approach for EAI in Cloud environment. The approach introduces an Interactive agents-based architecture whose main goal is to address and tackle interoperability challenges at the Cloud application level. It enables the deployment of business applications at public, private or hybrid multi-Cloud environments.


How to Cite
Djamel Benmerzoug. (2014). Enterprise Application Integration Based on Interactive Agent in Cloud Computing Environment. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 5(1), 69–83. https://doi.org/10.47164/ijngc.v5i1.61


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