Score Based Garbage Collection Algorithm for Flash Based Storage System
A solid-state drive’s garbage collection technique considerably influences the drive’s writing performance and life duration. The garbage collection technique chooses the block to be erased so that the block can be reused. Several techniques, such as hot data identification, enhance the efficiency of garbage collection and impact flash memory access speed and lifespan. This paper proposes a garbage collection algorithm, SGC (Score-based Garbage Collection) which tries to identify data on the basis of threshold into hot and cold blocks then the process is followed by choosing victim block with the help of score for garbage collection. The SGC approach minimises SSD wear frequency and garbage collection overhead, extending SSD life and data reliability. A novel hot and cold identification system helps to reduces program/erasure cycles while increasing identification accuracy, based
on threshold data are clustered into hot and cold. The experimental findings illustrate that the SGC outperforms the existing approach under various benchmarks by reducing the frequency of block wear leveling. The simulation result shows how SGC performs well and lowers the costs, such as the number of copy and erase operation done, wear on the block, and energy consumption.Improvement percentage for wear leveling is calculated for input traces exchange, financial 1 and financial 2. For exchange trace our policy outperforms CB,CAT,GR and CATA by 19.04%,15.0%,37.03% and 10.5% respectively.

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