A Comprehensive Review on Deep Learning Algorithms for Wind Power Prediction
In recent years, various energy crisis and environmental considerations have prompted the use of renewable energy resources. Renewable energy resources like solar, wind, hydro, biomass, etc. have been a continuous source of clean energy. Wind energy is one of the renewable energy resources that has been widely used all over the world. The wind power is mainly dependent on wind speed which is a random variable and its unpredictable behavior creates various challenges for wind farm operators like energy dispatching and system scheduling. Hence, predicting wind power energy becomes crucial. This has led to the development of various forecasting models in the recent decades. The most commonly used deep learning algorithms for wind power prediction are- RNN (Recurrent Neural Network), LSTM (Long Short- Term Memory) and CNN (Convolutional Neural Network). This paper presents the working of these algorithms and provides a timeline review of the research papers that used these algorithms for wind power prediction.

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