An IoT-based Automatic Dust Monitoring and Suppression System for Coal Warehouses and Processing Areas with a Reduction in Water Consumption
Dust is a serious problem at coal warehouses and processing areas of coal mines in Vietnam. At present, almost coal mines use high pressure mist machines to suppress dust. Several coal mines build fixed mist spray systems for dust suppression. These systems are manually controlled. This could lead to use too much water for suppressing dust and affect negatively coal quality. IoT is a new technology and applied to various fields such as smart home, smart city, smart agriculture, smart retail, smart health as well as in industry etc. This article presents a new IoT model for automatically monitoring and suppressing dust with a reduction in water consumption. Specially, the proposed model not only automatically monitoring dust density and warning when it is greater than the limit value but also automatically adjust open angle of water valve to save water according to the measured dust density.
The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed model stably operates and uses less water for suppressing dust. In addition, the system allows to automatically/manually turn on/off the water pump as well as water valve according to the dust density. This will save more water and even energy. Furthermore, in order to protect sensor data when transmitted over wifi network, we use WPA wifi security protocol, and to reduce effects of noise, Kalman filter is applied to the proposed system.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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