A Review on Data Confidentiality Issues of User’s Information on Online Social Networks
Online social networking has become an integral component of human life. Many individuals, on the other hand, user are unaware of the security and privacy concerns that come along with its use. As a result of social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, people’s personal information, such as their date of birth and phone number, profile photos, etc. might be dangerously exposed. To get access to private information, such as a user’s banking credentials or to launch a security attack, hackers first obtain the user’s public information from their social media posts. Assaults or leaks of personal information might have a significant impact on their daily life. In this day and age of cutting-edge technology, internet users must understand the risks of using social media websites like Facebook and Twitter. The current status of online social networks, their hazards, and possible solutions are examined in depth in this paper. In this review paper, we deliberately focus on the privacy and security challenges accompanying with OSNs illustrate some models of attack by the attackers and investigate some techniques used to secure a user’s private information and prevent it from attackers while leaving the privacy destruction mostly unresolved. In the end, we are proposing a blockchain-based framework for decentralised that provides advanced security and privacy to OSN users.

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