Optimized Power Efficient Routing in Ad-hoc Networks


Jaspal Kumar Jindal
M Kulkarni
Daya Gupta
S Indu
Shashi Kumar


Energy-ecient routing in Ad-hoc networks is an important research issue since it directly impacts network lifetime. This paper proposes a novel optimmzed power ecient routing algorithm (OPERA) considering the network parameters like node density, power consumption, trac congestion and node status. The proposed work ranks the network communication parameters based on dierent trac congestien zones like maximum, moderate and minimum, using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and selects optimal path. The OPERA is adaptive and power ecient. A simulation study is performed to compare the performance of OPERA with AODV protocol. Our results indicate that OPERA consumes less power than AODV.


How to Cite
Jaspal Kumar Jindal, M Kulkarni, Daya Gupta, S Indu, & Shashi Kumar. (2014). Optimized Power Efficient Routing in Ad-hoc Networks. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 5(2), 191–199. https://doi.org/10.47164/ijngc.v5i2.67


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