A Comparative analysis on different types of Photovoltaic Cell
The huge amount of energy in the form of light and heat from sun is lightning the earth since its formation. This non-exhausting source provides energy in the form of electromagnetic radiations in frequency range from infrared region to ultraviolet region. With the evolution of human being and advancement in technology, human have come to realize the importance and different use of solar energy, one such use is to produce electrical energy from solar energy using photovoltaic cell. The invention of photovoltaic cell and their increasing efficiency in the last decades made us capable of harnessing this unlimited energy from sun at an efficient cost and now it seems as a future of energy sector. In this review paper, we will study about the photovoltaic cell and its types. First generation wafer-based silicon solar cells give efficiency upto 25%. The second generation Thin Film Silicon solar cells makes a reformist advancement in solar cell technology. Multi junction solar cells comes in category of third generation. This paper discusses and compare these three generation of solar cells.

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