Investigating different applications of Internet of Things towards identification of vulnerabilities, attacks and threats
The Internet of Things, often known as IoT, is a project whose ultimate objective is to construct, in the not-too-distant future, a global network of linked, networked goods and things that are capable of exchanging data and working together. Through the use of the internet, it will be possible to read, recognise, localise, address, and otherwise control such things. Before widespread usage of the Internet of Things (IoT), consumers and business owners need to have trust in its underlying security architecture. It is essential to provide an explanation of how different devices connected to the Internet of Things may safely and effectively share data with one another and with remote computers. When designing security solutions, new privacy and security issues brought about by the Internet of Things need to be taken into consideration throughout the design process. Establishing trustworthy end-to-end encrypted connections is difficult due to the inherent heterogeneity of Internet of Things (IoT) communications and the vast range of hardware and software capabilities supported by IoT devices. Because of their slow processing rates, high power consumption, and little quantities of memory, the majority of Internet of Things devices have few security choices available. This is as a result of the fact that many traditional security approaches are unable to be deployed on devices that have restricted resources. This article presents an overview of the many uses of the Internet of Things, together with the security threats and operational challenges that each presents.

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