Security Issues, Attacks and Countermeasures in Layered IoT Ecosystem
Internet of Things (IoT) applications consist mainly of a group of small devices with sensing and/ or actuation
capabilities, working collaboratively to provide a specific functionality. IoT applications are becoming vital part of
our daily lives in various areas such as home automation, industrial automation, energy sector, healthcare sector
and smart transportation. Security is a term that is used to encompass the notions such as integrity, confidentiality,
and privacy. A more prominent understanding of the Internet of Things (IoT) is that – it transmits data over the
global internet and gives many services in many domains. It facilitates the machines and gadgets to communicate
with each other. IoT appliances have been facing several issues, therefore we identify variety of service domains
and their vulnerabilities. The main focus is on protecting the security and privacy. This paper presents an
overview of IoT models, applications in different domains, vulnerabilities, security privacy goals, possible attacks,
and their corresponding countermeasures. The objective of this paper is also to provide a survey on categorized
layer-wise attacks and countermeasures in detail. In the object layer, connectivity link Layer, several attacks
are discussed based on RFID, NFC, ZigBee, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi protocols. In the Transport Network layer,
we have classified variety of attacks based on RPL, 6loWPAN, TCP/UDP, and IPv4/IPv6. Similarly, In the
Session Communication, Data Aggregation Storage, Business Model, and Application layers, we have discovered
considerable number of attacks for each layer.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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