Simplifying the Development and Deployment of MapReduce AlgorithmsSimplifying the Development and Deployment of MapReduce Algorithms


Ferosh Jacob
Amber Wagner
Prateek Bahri
Susan Vrbsky
Jeff Gray


This paper describes the existing challenges of creating MapReduce algorithms and how our approach minimizes these challenges. MapRedoop is a framework that can be used to transform a program written in a DSL to a MapReduce implementation, which can be deployed and executed in a cloud platform such as Eucalyptus or Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). Assorted examples selected from various domains have been rewritten in the MapRedoop framework to demonstrate its expressiveness and usefulness. Our performance analysis reveals that the advantages gained using our approach can be attained with comparable execution times to the methodologies currently in practice.


How to Cite
Ferosh Jacob, Amber Wagner, Prateek Bahri, Susan Vrbsky, & Jeff Gray. (2011). Simplifying the Development and Deployment of MapReduce AlgorithmsSimplifying the Development and Deployment of MapReduce Algorithms. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 2(2), 139–158.


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