Video Enhancement using 4 Quadrant Curvelettransform of Helium balloon SecuritySurveillance System


Siddhant Kumar
Pallavi Parlewar
Rachna Sable


A quick deploy and high efficiency helium surveillance balloon which can be used as mobile surveillance systemsto monitor and locate trespassers near borders and high security facilities is presented in the paper. The paperprovides the description of motorized helium filled balloon which is remotely controlled and provides a real-timevideo of the any site that needs surveillance. Paper also provides the conceptual design, fabrication and, calculationof the payload connected to of the helium balloon tracker. The payload consists of the control and monitoringsystem which has a camera and sensors and streams this data to the user over the internet which can be used forpatrolling and monitoring infiltration. Video is enhanced using four quadrant Curvelet Transform.


How to Cite
Kumar, S. ., Parlewar, P., & Sable, R. . (2023). Video Enhancement using 4 Quadrant Curvelettransform of Helium balloon SecuritySurveillance System. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 14(1).


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