A novel approach for services management and selection in intercloud system
Service deployment, orchestration, provisioning and SLA-compliance present a challenge in intercloud environments. A comprehensive and unified service management framework is required so that service providers and consumers can leverage the intrinsic benefits of services deployed across different cloud service providers exploiting latency and cost advantages while ensuring scalability, load-balancing and high-availability. This research paper presents architecture for unified services management in the intercloud environment allowing users seamless access to services through an optimal service selection mechanism providing on-demand ranking on several quality parameters. Experimental results establish the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.

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How to Cite
Ankur Gupta, Lohit Kapoor, & Seema Bawa. (2019). A novel approach for services management and selection in intercloud system. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 10(3), 228–248. https://doi.org/10.47164/ijngc.v10i3.165
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