Application of IoT in Different Aspects of Child Care: Literature Review and Classification
Child care is one of the most responsible and rewarding jobs of all, but due to several other obligations of parents it is becoming increasingly stressful to ensure their wellbeing and safety throughout the day. Recently adoption of IoT in different folds of child care has been welcomed with open arms. Some of the most addressed areas of applications in child care involve monitoring infants, tracking a school going child, tracking nutrition intake, constant supervision of their health, providing an interactive play mate to the child in the form of toys equipped with Internet of Toys (IoToys) technology etc. Despite all the glorious advantages, there is a tremendous risk factor involved as children are the most vulnerable section of society. In this paper a systematic literature review is conducted and an attempt is made to critically analyse the dual effect of IoT in complementing the traditional process of child care. However IoT healthcare applications for children have not been explored in this paper as a substantial amount of survey literature already exists. The contribution of this paper is to provide an overall insight to the potential researchers about the issues that needed immediate attention and also intended to benefit the decision making of IoT consumers.

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How to Cite
Boruah, K., & Pathak, M. (2021). Application of IoT in Different Aspects of Child Care: Literature Review and Classification. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 12(3), 365–385.
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