DAM: A Theoretical Framework for SensorSecurity in IoT Applications
As IoT applications are pervasively deployed across multiple domains, the potential impact of their security vulnerabilities are also accentuated. Sensor nodes represent a critical security vulnerability in the IoT ecosystem as they are exposed to the environment and accessible to hackers. When compromised or manipulated, sensor nodes can transmit incorrect data which can have a damaging impact on the overall operation and effectiveness of the system. Researchers have addressed the security vulnerabilities in sensor nodes with several mechanisms being proposed to address them. This paper presents DAM (Detect, Avoid, Mitigate), a theoretical framework to evaluate the security threats and solutions for sensor security in IoT applications and deployments. The framework leads to the classification of sensor security threats and categorization of available solutions which can be used to either detect vulnerabilities and attacks, recover from them or completely avoid them. The proposed framework will be useful for evaluating sensor security in real-world IoT deployments in terms of potential threats and designing possible solution

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How to Cite
Gulzar, B., & Gupta, A. (2021). DAM: A Theoretical Framework for SensorSecurity in IoT Applications. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 12(3), 309–327. https://doi.org/10.47164/ijngc.v12i3.830
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