Underwater Cognitive Acoustic Networks Architecture, Development and Deployment
To develop eco-friendly Underwater Cognitive Acoustic Networks (UCANs) with high spectrum utilization. A huge number of sensor networks are installed Underwater to enable applications for oceanographic data collection, pollution, and corrosion monitoring, offshore exploration, disaster prevention, assisted navigation, and tactical surveillance applications. For feasible applications, there is a need to enable underwater communications among the underwater devices. The latest developments in wireless communications cause spectrum shortage problems in the oceans. Cognitive Acoustic (CA) is the enabling technology for supporting dynamic spectrum access techniques in wireless communication. The CA provides the solution for the spectrum scarcity problem that is encountered in many countries. In oceans, both natural acoustic systems and artificial acoustic systems use acoustic signals for communication. To efficiently utilize the spectrum without interference with other acoustic systems, a smart UAN should be designed with awareness of the surrounding environment and the ability to reconfigure their operation parameters such as frequency band, modulation schemes, and transmission power.

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