Covid Security System Using IOT Monitoring System
Covid Security System is a non-contact sanitizer dispenser, that also monitors
vital parameters such as temperature, heart rate, and spo2 sensors based on
Internet of Things (IOT) data collection and processing. This device is vital in
workplaces like hospitals, colleges, and many more. The system that has the
capability to record human body temperature based on contactless mechanism
efficiently with pandemic situation has looked up to usage of infrared
thermometers. In this paper via our research we realize the human body
temperature fast non-contact by utilizing infrared thermometer (MLX90614) along
with a pulse oximeter using a pulse sensor (MAX30100) to measure the heart
rate in real-time. Parameter like the oxygen level of the user is also rendered and
stored on our designed IOT processing framework which can provide alerts both
online or offline based on previous maintained records. In this research we have
recorded parameters of the sample space comprising of 500 users. The main
aspect of the research is the cost affectability where is the system can be easily
interfaced with any existing framework of workplaces.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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