ManiacNFT : An Application for NFT Marketplace


Gaurav Laud
Aishwarya Pardhi
Ajinkya Wadekar
Shounik Shukla
Varad Loya
Dr. Padma Adane
Viresh Dhawan


Art is mankind's treasure, yet it is often concentrated in the hands of a few. We need a better trade mechanism and technological innovation to enable fair access to artworks. A solution to the problem can be found by using the NFT technology for the trade of artwork. NFTs make the future for the creators’ economy a little brighter, allowing artists to monetize their work by selling to eager collectors, while also collecting due royalties upon future resales of their works. This unique combination of blockchain with artworks provides a layer of security to the ownership of the artwork, and is restoring access to artworks for people from all regions.This research paper is about a decentralized marketplace application where one can buy and sell artworks in the form of NFTs digitally, providing the users with the facility to securely perform transactions of these NFTs that can be verified through Polygon blockchain.


How to Cite
Laud, G., Aishwarya Pardhi, Ajinkya Wadekar, Shounik Shukla, Varad Loya, Dr. Padma Adane, & Viresh Dhawan. (2022). ManiacNFT : An Application for NFT Marketplace. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 13(5).


  1. berdola – blockchain applications in the art industry.
  2. applications-in-art.
  3. Ipfs community: Documentation of ipfs.
  4. Oodles blockchain - modernising the art industry with blockchain solutions.
  5. Openzepplin community platform: Documentation of erc721 openzepplin standard.
  7. Polygon- matic whitepaper.

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