A Mathematical Word Problem Solver System Using Deep Learning


Rohini Joshi
Kalpak Punwatkar
Chinmay Wankhede
Parth Dhorajiya


Since the introduction of the idea of Math Word Problem(MWP) solver, platforms like Intelligent tutoring system
and computer based training have gained much popularity and hence the development of MWP proves to be an
essential part. As many types of word problems exist we primarily tend to have our focus on arithmetic single
operation word problems of elementary grade level. We add our contribution to this open research by working on
an already existing model which uses word cues and patterns to understand the semantics of the word problem.
Hence we also add our ideas to introduce the model of inference so as to make the system in-sync with basic world


How to Cite
Joshi, R. ., Punwatkar, K. ., Wankhede, C., & Dhorajiya, P. . (2022). A Mathematical Word Problem Solver System Using Deep Learning. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 13(5). https://doi.org/10.47164/ijngc.v13i5.928


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