Data Analytical Approach for Evaluating Locus of Control among Private Banks Employees


Monika Seth
Vinod Asudani
Sachin Upadhye
Satyajit Uparkar


Private Banks in India, are owned by individuals or group of limited individual and not by government. Here in India, private banks represent that most of the part of equity or shares are hold by private shares holders and not by government. The locus of control is reflected in terms of the particular degree upto which the private shares holders or the bank employee’s belief that they have power over their private banking events. This research study aims to find out locus of control among bank employees with special reference to private banks based on gender difference as well as two dimensions of locus of control viz. external and internal. Survey method was adopted for this study which covers four private banks within the Nagpur city. Sample size of 200 bank employees consists of bank managers, cashiers, clerks accountant were provided with an online Google form questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of seven questions related to their work, job satisfaction, colleagues clients etc. Initially Cronbach’s alpha test using pilot survey on 50 pre samples of bank employees was used to determine the internal consistency of data model. As second step Explorative statistics gave the trends among the bank employees towards the seven questions. The Descriptive statistics then quantitatively describes the features from a collection of information that can reveal the influence towards the three hypotheses under consideration. Lastly the Inferential statistics based two groups of genders interpret the facts as to accept or reject the three hypotheses under consideration. The study concludes the pro and cons and the prime factors which leads towards the external and internal locus of control among the employees.


How to Cite
Seth, M., Asudani, V. ., Upadhye, S., & Satyajit Uparkar. (2022). Data Analytical Approach for Evaluating Locus of Control among Private Banks Employees. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 13(5).


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