
D.S. Adane
Abhishek Angale
Ayush Singh
Rituj Aryan
Sumeet Yadav


In recent years, plagiarism that uses the code snippets or program of others without permission has become a social problem. It is widely spread from very familiar student reports to worldwide academic papers. In this paper, we deal with plagiarism in programming assignments, and explain the plagiarism patterns often found in text. Existing plagiarism detection tools utilize string matching algorithms to calculate the plagiarism. We have brought to light the problems associated with existing tools and propose a method to rectify them efficiently with the help of algorithms proposed in the paper. To the existing detection method, we combine some heuristics which are estimation of time complexity and loop detection, to improve the accuracy of the plagiarized sections and propose it as a plagiarism detection method.


How to Cite
D.S. Adane, Abhishek Angale, Ayush Singh, Rituj Aryan, & Sumeet Yadav. (2022). PLAGIARISM DETECTION IN PROGRAMMING USING PERFORMANCE ANALYZING FEATURES. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 13(5).


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