International Journal of Next-Generation Computing (IJNGC) has a strict plagiarism policy. All submitted papers are subjected to plagiarism checks. If any case of plagiarism is brought to the notice of the EiC or Managing Editor, a committee comprising three members of the Editorial Board shall be constituted to investigate the matter. The committee shall submit a specific recommendation to the EiC, based on which the following actions may be initiated:

  1. removal of the specific paper from IJNGC and associated indexing services
  2. blacklisting of the authors involved in the paper for a specific periode
  3. blacklisting of the authors involved permanently
  4. Listing of blacklisted authors and papers on the journal website
  5. Intimating the concerned authorities at the affiliating institution of the authors

Reporting Plagiarism

Instances of plagiarism can be reported to Prof. Vijay Kumar, Editor-in-Chief IJNGC at [email protected] or Prof. Ankur Gupta, Managing Editor at [email protected]